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Papua Regional Police Held FGD Ahead Election to Anticipate Threat Potentials

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Papua Regional Police held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in discussing the anticipation measures of tackling potential threats ahead the 2024 General Election. The FGD was held in Fox Jayapura Hotel on Wednesday (1/17/2024). Led by the Vice Head of Papua Regional Police, Brigadier General Petrus Patrige Rudolf Ranwarin, the FGD raise the theme of “Anticipating the Security Potential Threats Ahead the 2024 General Election”. The FGD talks about the security and peace situation in detail and aimed to achieve the goals of peaceful election. “Our joint responsibility in 2024 is to arrange and secure the General Election,” says Petrus. Petrus reveals that situations in Papua might be different from other provinces both in term of security or the regional characteristics. Moreover, he says that sectors that could potentially caused failures, irregularities, insecurities, injustices and disorder must be discussed thoroughly. “We will also discuss the election organizers preparation and inspection issues directly linked to our duty as their protector,” says Petrus. Petrus continues that one of the issues experienced by Papua KPU Commissioner is the absence of provision or the printings of ballots for The Indonesian People's Representative Council (DPR RI), the provincial Regional People's Representative Council (Provincial DPRD), and the district Regional People's Representative Council (Regency DPRD). In facing this challenge, Papua KPU Commissioner pledges to do their best to ensure the election would go smoothly and accordingly. (ad/pt/pr/nm)
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