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PLN Presents Clean Energy and Technology Innovations to Support PON XXI

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 September 2024 Pengunjung (201) 3 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. To support the smooth event of National Sport Week (PON) XXI Aceh-North Sumatra, the National Electric Company (PLN) of Aceh Distribution Center Unit (UID)used various technology innovations to ensure electric supply in all sports avenues.

This was stated by General Manager of PLN UID Aceh Mundhakir in a press conference entitled "PLN Lights Up the Spirit of PON XXI: Optimal Energy for Maximum Achievement" at the Aceh Regional Media Center, Tuesday (17/9/2024).

PLN is said to be implementing several of the latest technologies to ensure a smooth electricity supply during PON XXI, including Anti-Flicker Technology, Mini SCADA, use of renewable energy, and the Aceh Command Center.

Anti-Flicker Technology is one of the strategic steps prepared. This technology is in the form of providing battery backup (Uninterruptible Power Supply/UPS) and Generator Set (genset) in each match arena.

"This Anti-Flicker technology ensures that the electricity supply continues to run even if there is an unexpected disruption," said Mundhakir.

Furthermore, PLN also utilizes Mini SCADA technology which allows real-time monitoring of electricity consumption at PON venues. This technology not only monitors the electricity load, but also provides early warnings if there is a potential disruption.

"Mini SCADA will help us ensure that the electricity flow remains safe and stable, and allows for a diversion of supply if necessary," explained Mundhakir.

To support more environmentally friendly energy, PLN also introduced the use of renewable energy from the existing power generation system in Aceh.

Mundhakir hopes that the use of renewable energy in PON XXI can demonstrate PLN's commitment to the environment and be an inspiration for the community to support clean energy.

Another innovation introduced is the Aceh Command Center, an integrated control center that allows the community to report electricity problems through the PLN Mobile application.

"This technology allows the community to play an active role in maintaining the smooth supply of electricity during PON," explained Senior Manager of Finance, Communication, and General Affairs of PLN UID Aceh, Nurlana, at the same time.

This technology functions without distance and time limitations, making it easier for the community to report electrical disturbances anytime and anywhere.

With the support of technology and strong commitment from PLN, the implementation of PON XXI in Aceh-North Sumatra is expected to not only achieve achievements in the field of sports, but also demonstrate success in providing reliable and sustainable electrical energy.


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