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KONI Suspends PON XXI Shooting Competition Due to Extreme Weather

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 September 2024 Pengunjung (303) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. The General Chairperson of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Marciano Norman emphasized that athlete safety is the main priority in organizing the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) 2024.

This statement was conveyed by Marciano on Tuesday (9/17/2024) after reviewing the shooting sports venue at the Rindam Iskandar Muda Mata Ie Shooting Range, Aceh Besar, whose roof leaked and collapsed after being hit by heavy rain and strong winds.

A number of matches at the Rindam Shooting Range have gone well, with 21 of the 40 medals being won. However, due to the unfriendly weather, a temporary suspension was taken to ensure the safety of all parties.

"This rain and storm were very unexpected, the gutters of the building at the shooting venue were unable to withstand such high water intensity. Therefore, all matches here have been temporarily stopped, and athletes have been returned to their accommodation to rest," said Marciano, adding that the building with the leaking roof was not used for the match.

Facing predictions from BMKG stating that Aceh will be hit by heavy rain for the next week with wind speeds of up to 55 km/hour, KONI has prepared anticipatory measures. One of the main focuses is to ensure the electrical system is safe before continuing the match at the indoor facility.

"We continue to coordinate with PLN to ensure all electrical installations are controlled and safe before restarting the match," Marciano continued.

With unpredictable weather, KONI together with all related parties continue to prioritize athlete safety for the smooth running of PON XXI. They are optimistic that the entire series of matches will continue to run well once the weather conditions improve.


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