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Govt. Continue to Coordinate in Reaching Human Development Goal

By Pramudita Jumat, 20 September 2024 Pengunjung (224) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Ministry for Human and Culture Development, says they have coordinated the synchronization to reach Natural Resources (SDA).

According to the Deputy for Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement Nunung Nuryartono, said this is in accordance with his duties and functions.

In the dialogue of Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB9) that raise the theme of “10 Years Building National Human Resource Synergy”, Nunung explains that according the government intervention that have been carried out, they have come to the conclusion that human resource development has to go through many phases that has to be paid attention carefully.

According to him, if the government is focused on prenatal discussion, then it must be able to try to reduce stunting rates. After the stunting problem is resolved, the government will refocus on creating a functioning education system.

"When Muhadjir Effendy served as Minister of Education, there was a zoning program which then eventually linked to employment. This shows that there is a relationship between supply and demand at retirement age," he explained.

Nunung said this phenomenon then encompasses the life cycle of all phases of life. Finally, the health system, social protection begins to shrink in old age.

There has been significant change in the declining life cycle experienced by young people. The welfare of the poverty rate before the pandemic was at 9.03 percent which then became 0.30 percent at the end of this year.


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