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Police Carried Out Massive Drug Search Operations at Night Clubs at Kupang City

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (172) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Kupang. The Drug Criminal Investigation Directorate of East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police carried out a massive search operation at night clubs in Kupang City.

Led by the Head Ops of Drug Criminal Investigation Directorate, Superintendent Tri Joko Biyantoro, this operation involves dozens of personnel to search several night clubs and massage centers in the city. This initiative, said Joko, demonstrates police action in maintaining public safety and health from the dangers of drugs.

During the raid, every visitor and employee's identity was checked, and their belongings were strictly checked. As part of the inspection, several people were randomly selected to undergo urine tests on the spot.

The urine test manages to reveal that a woman, with the initials of AR (25), from Banten who works as a song guide and therapist, tested positive for using drugs. AR was immediately secured for further examination at the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police HQ.

"This raid is in line with the President's vision in the Asta Cita program, where eradicating drugs is one of the main priorities in the first 100 days of government," said Joko.

Joko also added that his party is committed to continuing to carry out strict supervision and take firm action against drug abuse throughout its jurisdiction.

He emphasized that his party will not stop at Kupang City. He plans to expand the cooperation with community elements and related agencies to ensure that the chain of drug distribution in the province can be broken.


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