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Police Efforts in Preventing Bullying Continues

By Cpiet Senin, 09 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Magelang. Magelang Sub-regional Police continue to prevent bullying by providing lessons and counselling to schools, including to Borobudur 1 Junior High School. The social activity was joined by Eight and Seven grade students. From their counselling activity, it is hoped that they could suppress the bullying incident in schools. Borobudur Police Chief, Police Commissioner Adjutant Marsodik asked everyone to stop bullying. Students also thought to stop every kind of insults and treating their friends badly. In the second material about stopping bullying. Students are reminded to avoid physical abuse both inside and outside school. Students are also invited to stop making fun of each other so as not to trigger arguments between students which could lead to cases of bullying. "This event was held with the hope of creating a safe and conducive learning environment for all students, especially at SMP Negeri 1 Borobudur," explained the Police Chief. The Principal of Borobudur 1 Junior High School, Badrun Munir, support Magelang Police's efforts to prevent bullying and hoped that the student would understand more about the importance in respecting others. (ad/ay/pr/nm)
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