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Police Ensure Safe Chinese New Year Celebrations in Lampung

By Cpiet Sabtu, 10 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Bandarlampung. Deputy Chief of the Lampung Regional Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan paid a visit to several temples in Bandarlampung to highlight the police's commitment for the safe celebration of the 2575th Chinese New Year. "After inspecting several temples, we will continue to monitor the situation until all worshippers have completed their rituals, with the hope that everything will proceed smoothly," he said at the Thay Hin Bio Temple on Friday night (9/2/2024). General Ramadhan explained that their visit to the temples was aimed at monitoring the situation, ensuring the smooth conduct of religious activities for those celebrating the Chinese New Year, and maintaining safety, antaranews.com reported. "The police force has the primary task of protecting, serving, and nurturing the community to create a conducive and safe environment for everyone," he said. Observations at the Thay Hin Bio Temple showed that hundreds of people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, including the elderly, youth, and children, had gathered in front of the oldest temple in Lampung. Security personnel from the Indonesian Military and the police were also seen patrolling around the temple to ensure the safety and smooth conduct of the New Year's celebrations. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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