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Police Identify Two Sexual Abusers in the East Jakarta Islamic Boarding School

By Admin INP Selasa, 21 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (113) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The East Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police identify two suspects on the sexual abuse case in the Ad-Diniyah Islamic Boarding School, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The two suspects are MCN (26) who is the teacher of the school, and CH (47) who is the teacher and also the owner of the school.

“The first case was MCN who is the teacher of the school. He has done the immoral act since 2021 to 2024,” says The East Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police Chief, Senior Superintendent Nicolas Ary Lilipaly on Tuesday (1/21/2025).

For CH, says Nicolas, he was also found to do the same criminal action at the same location. He initially went into hiding until eventually turned himself in on January 17th, 2025.

In this case the total victims were five students who lived in the Islamic boarding school. Detailed by Nicolas, the victims of suspect MCN were three students, namely ARD (18), IAN (17), and YIA (15). While the victims of suspect CH were two students, namely MFR (17) and RN (17).

"We are still investigating whether the two perpetrators have the same commitment or not. But, up until now, there is no link between the two at all. They also do not know each other's activities with the students at the Islamic boarding school," explained Nicolas.


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