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Police Meticulously Handles Viral Beating Case on Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (108) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Police arrested two assault suspects on an online taxi driver on Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road that has gone viral in social media. The two suspects are CM (30) and J alias R (29).

Head of Violent Crimes Sub-Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Superintendent Rovan Richard Mahenu says that according to the police investigation on the case, the incident was incited due to the victim, EA (48), who tried to overtake the perpetrators’ car.

"When the victim wanted to overtake the car, he was blocked by the two suspects. After that, the victim's car was stopped by force by the two suspects and the incident ensued," explained Rovan.

Rovan concludes that this incident was happening due to the tense emotion of the two suspects, causing them to approach the victim and assault him at the moment.

“CM and J went out and approached EA. They then hit EA in the face. Due to the incident, EA suffered bruises on his face due to the beating," explained Rovan.


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