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Social Affairs Ministry-BNPB Strengthen Disaster Victim Handling

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (115) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Social Affairs and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) are strengthening cooperation in efforts to handle victims of natural disasters in evacuation centers.

Strengthening the cooperation is needed so that there is no gap in services during the emergency response period.

Head of BNPB Suharyanto said that in the cooperation, the division of tasks for the evacuation cluster, care for disaster-affected communities under the coordination of the Ministry of Social Affairs was explained in detail.

“We cannot do this alone without the help and collaboration of all parties,” says Suharyanto.

He admitted that he was optimistic that with the division of tasks, the quality of evacuation services for disaster victims could be better. Starting from the completeness of logistical aid supplies to matters of physical and mental health recovery as is currently being done for the handling of refugees from the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara.

On the other hand, Social Affairs Minister Yusuf says that cooperation was more about the division of concrete tasks in the field in handling refugees and perfecting what had been done previously.

In this cooperation, the two parties will strengthen human resources and information distribution between each other. One of the goals is to accelerate the distribution of emergency disaster assistance.

The Minister of Social Affairs emphasized that the focus of strengthening this cooperation is only during the emergency period of the disaster. When it is in the post-disaster rehabilitation stage, it will be fully completed by BNPB with related ministries or institutions.


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