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Police Successfully Uncovered the Criminal Case of Medical Waste in Banjar

By Pramudita Kamis, 21 November 2024 Pengunjung (123) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banjar. The South Kalimantan Regional Police have successfully uncovered the criminal act of dumping B3 waste or medical waste. The raid, led by the South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, was carried out by the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation in an empty land on Tatah Cina street, Kertak Hanyar District, Banjar Regency.

The location suspected of being a place to store medical waste is around the residential complex. At the location, the many medical waste were buried with land and soil 

Meanwhile, the types of medical waste found at the location included used syringes, to infusion bottles. There were also burnt drug packages. In addition, officers also found an empty house that was used as a warehouse for storing B3 waste.

The warehouse security, FZ (47), revealed that the waste came from Hulu Sungai Utara Regency and was transported using an Isuzu Traga box truck.

The police secured three witnesses, namely J (46), the driver of the medical waste transport truck, FZ (47), the guard and laborer in charge of storing the waste, YR, the owner of the empty land used for disposal.

Meanwhile, the main perpetrator suspected of being responsible for this action is RR (39), an employee of PT HG.

In this operation, the police confiscated a number of pieces of evidence, including 322 boxes of B3 medical waste in plastic, 1 Isuzu Traga box car along with vehicle documents, tools such as two shovels, one red arko, and iron scales.

"The suspect RR was charged with Article 104 and/or Article 98 paragraph (1) of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. This violation includes dumping waste without a permit and actions that damage the environment," he explained.

The South Kalimantan Regional Police confirmed that the witnesses, perpetrators, and evidence had been secured for further legal proceedings.


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