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Police Visits Campuses Ahead of World Anti-Corruption Day

By Pramudita Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (105) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Ahead of World Anti-Corruption Day which falls on December 9th, 2024, the Indonesian National Police (INP) Corruption Prevention Special Task Force socializes the anti-corruption movement to the students of Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic (PEPI). 

The event was an invitation from Muharfiza, Director of PEPI who is committed to the efforts to prevent corruption, especially instilling anti-corruption behavior in his students. The theme of the activity is, Building an Anti-Corruption Generation for a Better Future.

At the event, the police official, Yudi, believes that students are the future leaders of the state, therefore, in welcoming the 2045 Golden Indonesia, what must be prepared is not only skills, but also strong and good characters.

Thus, the anti-corruption beliefs that are based on honesty are important to be instilled to the young generations so they could play their role in advancing the country.

For Yudi, what this country currently needs is not just technocrats who are able to work in bureaucracy but also those who have the integrity and trustworthiness in carrying out their profession and work.

The 2-hour event was very effective and the students who attended were very enthusiastic during the question session. They asked about the condition of corruption in Indonesia, the importance of the Asset Confiscation Law to severe punishment for corruptors.

Finally, Yudi conveyed INP’s commitment to continue to intensify anti-corruption socialization to campuses as part of their role in preventing corruption.


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