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Policewomen Shares Foods to the People Who Attends Friday Prayers at Al Mujahidin Mosque

By Cpiet Sabtu, 10 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - he Policewomen of Tasikmalaya City Traffic Unit distributed hundreds of rice boxes to the people who attends Friday prayers at Al Mujahidin Mosque, Jalan Lt. Harun, Tasikmalaya City, on Friday (09/09/22). The Head of Traffic Unit of Tasikmalaya City Police, AKP Anaga Budiharso confirms the act of charity after the Friday prayers. "Sharing a little to the people who attends of Friday prayers hopefully can be beneficial for both of us," he said. Then Kasat said that the charity involved several members of the Traffic Unit Policewomen of Tasikmalaya City Police. "Activities like this can always be carried out as an effort to establish friendship with the community," he explained.
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