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Polri Always Presents in Helping the People in Distress

By Cpiet Minggu, 05 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The National Police (Polri) held social service activities (baksos) for flood-affected communities in East Barito Regency. The aids, such as food supplies and medicines, was given to communities affected by floods. In addition to providing aids to the flood victims, Polri personnel also helped set up public kitchens to meet the needs of the community. Especially to those who are in refugee camps. For the Police, this social activity is also a proof of the Police's concern for the community. The police are always there for the people who is in need. The Police will always be there to help the people affected by the disaster. According to a communication expert, Rahmat Edi Irawan, what Polri did is not for a praise. "This is the evidence that the Police are always with the community. The Police will always help the community in dealing with their problems,” said a Communications Lecturer of Binus University, Jakarta. According to him, the task of the Police in humanitarian missions includes helping flood victims, is in line with the proverb, "salus populi suprema lex" which means that the safety of people's lives is the main law.
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