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Polri and The Industrial Revolution 4.0

By Cpiet Minggu, 06 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (6) 3 Mins Read
  inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The commitment of the National Police of Indonesia (Polri) in conducting the order of the President in realizing all the national development towards a Better Indonesia, received full support from Polri This demands a development from Polri to adapt to the technology advancement in the industrial revolution 4.0, and this national development will be conducted fully in this era. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a phenomenon of an economic process that collaborates with cyber technology and automation technology. Its base is the internet and information technology, and this phenomenon grew fast and faster. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 era is not just a slogan. The whole world agreed to build this generation in this era with six pillars, digital community, sustainable energy, smart mobility, healthy life, civil security, and technology in the workplace. In that kind of situation, the role of Polri becomes much more important. Polri is the instrument of the state that is in charge of the safety and security of the nation and is also responsible to anticipate the developments in the strategic environment and cyberspace. Today, cyberspace, social media, and all of the technological things is still full of uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity And Polri will face this challenge to be able to give their prime service and guaranteed security to the people, including in cyberspace and the internet, to create safe and healthy cyberspace. At the same time, Polri realized that social media has pushed the behavior and the culture of people in all sectors. The use of media communication, while at first tends to be classical (electronic and printed media), now has changed into a new media that is based on the internet. Social media has become the prime access of information, communication, and even professional action in all aspects: economic, political, social, cultural, defense, and including the security sector. While the aforementioned is generally the good side of social media, it certainly has its negative impacts. At least, now there have been 13 different kinds of criminal acts that took advantage the information technology and several in social media access, such as phishing, carding, ransomware, SIM swap, hacking and cracking, skimming, OTP, fraud, terrorism, human trafficking, and many others. Therefore, it is become the duty of Polri to understand and explore this new space of technology. This has to be done to ensure the security and safety of the people, provide service, and fulfill its role as the law enforcement. Polri understands that in this era of democracy, their loyalty is to the nation and its people. Polri works with the democratic principle, professional, provide service and security to the people, respect human rights, neutral, impartial, and non-discriminatory. Polri is also required to be civil servants, who are less militaristic, more accountable, responsive, transparent, and do not justify violence. Amid the widespread use of information technology and social media in all levels of society today, as well as in the government bureaucracy, every element in the National Police is required to be able to implement the principles of the Precision Police anywhere, including on social media. This has also become a trend in policing activities (policing) around the world.
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