- The police stated that they are still pursuing three suspects in the DNA Pro trading robot. Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dirtipideksus) of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan Februanto, S.I.K., M.H., explained that his party is still tracing the flow of funds from these suspects abroad. Monday (30/5/22).
"There are three suspects who are still being pursuit who we suspect are still abroad," explained Dirtipideksus Polri.
Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan Februanto, S.I.K., M.H., added that the fugitives who have not been arrested are Fauzi alias Daniel Zii, Ferawati alias Fei, and Devin alias Devinata Gunawan. The police has not yet been able to clarify their role in the fraudulent case of DNA Pro trading robots.
The suspects that have been secured by the police are Daniel Piri alias Daniel Abe, Rudi Kusuma and Robby Setiadi. Then there were Dedi Tumiadi, Yosua Trisutrisno, Franky Yulianto, Russel, Jerry Gunandar, Stefanus Richard, Hans Andre, and Muhammad Asad.
The suspects were charged with Article 106 in conjunction with Article 24 and Article 105 Juncto Article 9 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code which carries a penalty of 4-10 years in prison.
The number of victims who have been recorded by the police are 3,621 people. The estimated total loss is approximately Rp550.72 billion. The police also blocked 64 bank accounts allegedly related to DNA Pro with a total value of Rp105.52 billion. There was also a cash worth of 200,000 Singapore dollars which was confiscated by the police.
Investigators have also confiscated several assets such as gold weighing 20 kilograms, hotels, houses, apartments, a plot of land, and 14 luxury cars of various brands.
Dirtipideksus Polri, also stated that his party suspected that the suspects had channeled their funds abroad, which is to the Virgin Islands. However, this allegation has not been proven and is still being developed by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).
Then, the the police also has sent three dousiers to the court for the four suspects last Wednesday.
"The other four files for the seven suspects will be send on Monday," concluded the Dirtipideksus Bareskrim Polri.