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President Jokowi Applauds Indonesia's Resilience on 78th Independence Day

By Cpiet Jumat, 18 Agustus 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. President Joko Widodo highlighted that over the course of 78 years, Indonesia has adeptly surmounted diverse challenges and trials through collaborative endeavors as he conveyed via his official Instagram account @jokowi during the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. "Throughout the span of 78 years, the founders of our nation have 'guided the Indonesian people towards the gateway of independence' with unwavering ideals that persist to this day, making Indonesia independent, united, sovereign, just, and prosperous," wrote President Jokowi. Nonetheless, various challenges and trials have been effectively navigated due to the collaborative by all parties. "Throughout those 78 years, Indonesia has faced various challenges and trials that we have been able to overcome due to the spirit of togetherness that is fundamental to this nation. United we stand, divided we fall," remarked President Jokowi. Moreover, Indonesia is currently gearing up to confront novel challenges within the dynamic landscape of international competition. President Jokowi forecasted that by the year 2030, Indonesia will enter a phase characterized by a demographic bonus, wherein more than half of the nation's population will fall within the productive age range. With well-crafted strategies set in motion at an early stage, he holds a sanguine perspective that Indonesia will effectively harness this demographic advantage to propel the nation forward. "This window of opportunity opens only once, it shall not recur, underscoring the need for us to commence our preparations today. Wishing the Republic of Indonesia a joyous Independence Day," said President Jokowi. (ndt/pr/nm)
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