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President Prabowo Calls for Government Officials to Stop All Inefficient and Wasteful Practices

By Admin INP Jumat, 17 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (86) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. President Prabowo stressed his commitment to lead an efficient government. He also warns his government officials to immediately eliminate lavish practices.

President Prabowo stated that an organization and institution will not survive if they continue their lavish habits.

“Indonesia is a rich country, but these riches are not properly managed as many still unwise spend their funds. Our entrepreneurial colleagues should have understood that a reckless use of company funds would kill the company,” said Prabowo on Thursday (1/16/2025).

He also warned his government staff to immediately stop all inefficient and wasteful practices. 

"I have said it many times, and I am well aware of those petty tricks as I have been living here for too long, so stop it. I believe, firmly believe as I have proven it, that Indonesia can move forward if we are more disciplined,” said Prabowo


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