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Riau Regional Police Arrested the Suspect who Counterfeit Covid-19 Free Certificate

By Cpiet Jumat, 04 Juni 2021 Pengunjung (13) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Pekanbaru. The Riau Regional Police arrested N (40) who counterfeited Covid-19 free certificate at Sultan Syarif Kasim Airport (SSK) II Pekanbaru, Riau. The man, who works as ticket broker at the airport, was arrested after selling 1,252 fake Covid-19 free certificates. N was arrested last Wednesday (06/02). At that time, the Crime Investigation Unit of Pekanbaru City Resort Police received a report about a passenger carrying a suspicious Covid-19-free certificate. Based on the report, police moved quickly and arrested the perpetrator. It is found that the perpetrator is air ticket brokers at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru. "N works as a ticket broker at the airport and there is no involvement from the hospital. This case was solved because of the cooperation with hospital," Chief of Riau Regional Police, Police Inspector General Agung Setya, Pekanbaru said, Thursday (3/6/2021). The Chief of Riau Regional said the officers' suspicions started from the absence of barcode on the antigen swab result. Up till now, the results of the antigen test at the hospital always have a barcode in the certificate. "So in every letter, there is a barcode. If there is no barcode it is a fake. We are investigating (who ordered and how), but usually they arrive at the airport, there are no tickets and they become target," the Chief of Riau Regional Police explained. The Chief of Riau Regional Police did not specify how much profit the perpetrators made by selling thousands of Covid-19-free certificate. However, the price for one letter starts from Rp. 50 thousand to Rp. 200 thousand. "For 3 months, the profit from 1,252 (the value has not been calculated), because it has just been revealed. We will still calculate how much he gets," as explained by the Chief of Riau Regional Police. Regarding if there is other perpetrators involved, the Chief of Riau Regional Police confirmed the case will be thoroughly investigated. The high-ranking officer believed the perpetrators did not work alone as thousand of fake letters can be sold. "We are still investigating other perpetrators because we know the things that generate quick profits, the perpetrator don't work alone. If a Covid-19 free certificate is released, but there is no swab check as supporting document, then it means the certificate is fake," the Chief of Riau Regional Police said. The fake Covid-19 free certificate was made by the perpetrator without any medical examination, both antigen and PCR.
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