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South Sulawesi Police Secured Six Suspects of Fraud on Behalf of Rans Entertainment

By Cpiet Jumat, 07 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Sub-Directorate of South Sulawesi Police have successfully secured a fraud syndicate on behalf of a celebrity who offers a number of prizes through the WhatsApp social media application. The Deputy Director of Special Criminal Investigation Unit of South Sulawesi Police, AKBP Gani Alamsyah Hatta, stated that police have successfully secured six suspects, SG (38), AA (33), UR (37), SN (22), BN (38), and MF (18), in Lautang Village, Wajo Regency. AKBP Gany Alamsyah Hatta stated that the group used an application named, Find Friend Search Tool and sends WhatsApp messages to the victims by luring them with prizes of Rp45 Million rupiahs. “The suspects operated their actions by sending WhatsApp messages with a doorprize of Rp45,000,000 on behalf of Rans Entertainment Group,” said AKBP Gani Alamsyah Hatta. Several evidence that have been secured by the police are handphones, receipt printing machines, laptops, modems, and USB ports and the alleged perpetrators were also charged with 2 articles related to information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). “The suspect is subject to Article 45A Paragraph (1) and Article 28 Paragraph (1) of Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE)," concluded the South Sulawesi Police's Deputy Director of Special Criminal Investigation Unit.
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