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Tag 'PT Pertamina'


Attorney General Office Urges Public to Trust Pertamina Amid Investigation

The Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, Febrie Adriansyah urged the public not to abandon state-owned energy company PT Pertamina (Persero) amid an ongoing corruption probe. Learn more.


AGO Guarantees No Asset Seizure to Maintain Operations: PT Pertamina

State-owned energy company PT Pertamina (Persero)’s Chief Financial Officer, Emma Sri Martini, confirmed that the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has assured that no critical assets will be seized or sealed. Read more.


Pertamina CEO Apologizes Over Public Concerns of Fuel Blending

State-owned energy company PT Pertamina CEO Simon Aloysius Mantiri issued a formal apology for public concerns over alleged corruption in crude oil and refinery product management.


SOEs Minister to Review Pertamina After Patra Niaga Scandal

The government has announced a full-scale review of state-owned energy company PT Pertamina (Persero) following a corruption scandal involving senior executives at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Pertamina International Shipping, and Kilang Pertamina Internasional. Learn more.


Energy Ministry to Form Team to Ensure Fuel Meets Specifications

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will form a dedicated team to verify fuel quality following alleged corruption in Pertamina’s oil imports, which reportedly cost the state US$12 billion. Learn more.


Pertamina Denies Blending Pertalite into Pertamax

State-owned energy company PT Pertamina has denied allegations of blending Pertalite,  a type of gasoline with octane rating RON 90.  with Pertamax, another type of gasoline with octane rating RON 92. Learn more.


Fuel and LPG Supplies are Sufficient for Holiday Season: Pertamina

PT Pertamina (Persero) has confirmed that its fuel and LPG supplies are adequate for the upcoming Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025, despite the anticipated surge in demand. Read more!

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