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Tag 'Yandri Susanto'


Village Minister to Take Firm Actions Against Officials Who Sells Positions

The Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT) Yandri Susanto will remove or dismiss his officials if they are proven to be involved in the practice of buying and selling positions.


Minister Yandri Push the Establishment of Thematic Village to Reach the Goal of Food Self-Sufficiency

The Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions is ready to form thematic villages in Indonesia to ensure the success of the implementation of the Free Nutritious Meals Program (MBG) and the realization of food self-sufficiency.


Preventing Uncontrolled Urbanisation, Govt. Emphasized the Importance of Developing Villages

Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions Yandri Susanto reminded of the importance of developing villages to prevent uncontrolled population migration from villages to cities.


Ministry Yandri Aims to Empower Villages Through Ministerial Collaboration

Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions, Yandri Susanto, emphasized that empowerment is the main key to improving welfare in villages. To accelerate this program, cross-ministerial support, such as with the Ministry of Social Affairs, is needed.


Nutritious Food Program Can Improve Denizen’s Life Quality: Minister Yandri Said

inister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT) Yandri Susanto said that the Free Nutritious Meals program plays a role in improving the health and quality of life of the community, including village residents.


Ministries Collaborates for the Advancement of Villages

The Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions strengthens cooperation with various related ministries ranging from the Ministry of Religion to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in optimizing village progress.

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