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Nutritious Food Program Can Improve Denizen’s Life Quality: Minister Yandri Said

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (72) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT) Yandri Susanto said that the Free Nutritious Meals program plays a role in improving the health and quality of life of the community, including village residents.

“We can carry out that program in schools and public spaces. This is very important to ensure that the upcoming generation grows healthy and strong, and able to learn well,” says Minister Yandri.

Thus, as the party who was given the chance to be the food supplier, the Village-owned Enterprises (BUMDes) needs to ensure that food consumed in the program initiated by President Prabowo is full of nutritions.

The statement was conveyed by Yandri when visiting Kamojing Village, West Java on Sunday (11/3/2024).

In his visit, Minister Yandri urges private parties in Kamojing Village, such as Kujang Fertilizer, PT Mandala, and other private parties to continue their contributions in supporting the development of the village and bring prosperity to its denizens.

On the same occasion, Minister Yandri also said that villages play a very important role for the state's development as more people live in villages.

President Prabowo, said Mendes Yandri, wants the village to do something that is best for this country. That, he said, is because Indonesia can reach its golden era only by developing their villages.


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