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The Central Java Police Chief Pinned the Gold Pin of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia on Drugs and Awarded 97 Members

By Cpiet Senin, 01 Februari 2021 Pengunjung (229) 3 Mins Read
Semarang - Chief of the Central Java Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi, SH, S.St., MK, leads the Morning Apple and Pinning the Gold Pin of the Chief of the Republic of Indonesia Police and the Awarding of 97 (ninety seven) members of the Central Java Regional Police, Monday (01/2/2021) from 07.00 to 07.45 WIB at the Apple field at the Central Java Regional Police Headquarters. Not alone, the Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi, SH, S.St., MK, was accompanied by Deputy Head of the Central Java Regional Police Brigadier General Abiyoso Seno Aji, SIK and the Central Java Regional Police Chief Officers. On this occasion the Central Java Regional Police Chief pinned the Gold Pin of the Indonesian National Police Chief for the Director of the Central Java Regional Police for Narcotics and Drugs Police Commissioner Ignatius Agung Prasetyoko, SH, MH for his achievements including the disclosure of ecstasy and clandystine factories. lab) in Medan 2010, disclosure of the burning case of 7 elementary schools in Palangka Raya in 2017, disclosure of a homemade bomb explosion case linked to the ISIS network at Ponpes Al-Mujahidin Sebangau, Pulau Pisang Regency in 2018. Other preparations are the disclosure of the killing of orangutans in South Barito Regency in 2018, the disclosure of the terrorism case of the JAD network affiliated with the ISIS network in Iraq in Indonesia in 2019 in Palangka Raya, and the disclosure of the terrorist class of the JAD network with the Afghan group Abu Hamsyah in Palngka. Raya in 2019. In addition to pinning the Indonesian Police Chief Pin, the Central Java Regional Police Chief also gave awards to Member Representatives including: 1. Director of the Narcotics and Drugs Detective, Police Commissioner Ignatius Agung Prasetyoko, S.H, M.H 2. Director of Community Development, Police Commissioner Lafri Prasetyono, S.I.K 3. Kabagdalpres Ro SDM, AKBP Antonius Anang Tri Kuswindarto, S.I.K, M.H 4. The Chief of the Tegal Resort Police, AKBP Muhammad Iqbal Simatupan, S.I.K 5. Chief of the Sukoharjo Resort Police, AKBP Bambang Yuga Pamungkas, S.H, S.I.K, M.Si 6. Head of Subagrenmin Ro SDM, Kompol Zurham Rumanto, S.H 7. Kasiyanmin Ditintelkam, Kompol Malpa Malcopo, S.H, S.I.K, M.I.K 8. Kaurbioser Subbidkimbio Bidlabfor, Compol Bowo Nur Cahyo, S.Si, M. Biotech 9. Head of the Banyumas Police in the Ajibarang Sector Police, AKP Wawan Dwi Leksono, S.Sos 10. Bamin Roops, AIPDA Setyo Prasongko, S.H 11. Ba Salatiga Police, AIPDA Bakti Nur Cahyo, S.H 12. Ba Polres Karanganyar, AIPDA M Rizal Arifiyanto, S.Kom. "I would like to thank the members who have achieved achievements in the case declaration and I would like to thank you for their dedication in carrying out their duties," said the Head of the Central Java Regional Police to the Apple participants. The Central Java Regional Police Chief also advised that this activity must always be increased to prevent the spread of Covid 19 and in the future the Central Java Regional Police Chief will hold a leadership meeting regarding the policies of the new Indonesian National Police Chief in terms of implementing justisi operations. "So that members always maintain their health and comply with health protocols according to the Presidential Instruction," he concluded.
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