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The Chief of INP: 40,366 Bhabinkamtibmas Deployed as Tracer for the Spread of Covid-19

By Cpiet Kamis, 11 Februari 2021 Pengunjung (165) 3 Mins Read
Jakarta - The Indonesian National Police (INP) deployed more than 40 thousand Police's security personnel and public order officers (Bhabinkamtibmas) throughout Indonesia to anticipate the spread of Covid-19. "There is at least 40,366 Bhabinkamtimbas personnel who have been prepared to act as tracers as seven steps for early detection in anticipating the spread of Covid-19," explained The Chief of INP Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in his mandate delivered at the rally of the readiness of Bhabinkamtibmas and health workers as tracers and the Covid-19 vaccinator, Thursday (11/2/2021). According to The Chief of INP, this is in line with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), that in addition to the discipline of health protocols, the implementation of 3T strengthening (Testing, Tracing, and Treatment) is also crucial in efforts to overcome this Covid-19 pandemic. Police had alerted 13,500 health personnel. A total of 900 of them have been trained to become vaccinators by the Ministry of Health, and 12,600 other personnel will be given similar training shortly. "The INP vaccinators and tracers are on the alert to assist the work of health workers, in particular giving vaccinations to members of the National Police and the general public, as well as coordinating with the local health office in tracing efforts as an early detection step in anticipating the spread of Covid-19," said the four-star general. The Chief of INP also hopes that all Covid-19 vaccinators and tracers who have been given training will become capable and professional police personnel in providing services to the public in breaking the chain of Covid-19 spread in Indonesia. In implementing these activities in the community, The Chief of INP also emphasized the attitude of always working in synergy with all Indonesian Military's (TNI) village supervisory non-commissioned officers (Babinsa) and health service officers in their respective areas. The Chief of INP also said, apart from the challenges and difficulties that come with the Covid19 pandemic, we must always be optimistic that there are still opportunities to make leaps of progress. "The President of the Republic of Indonesia has emphasized that to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic with all its impacts, all components of the nation must work together to implement strict discipline in implementing health protocols. We must maintain public optimism with the seriousness and efforts of the government to accelerate the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, "said The Chief of INP. The readiness apple, which was carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia by holding health workers as vaccinators and Bhabinkamtibmas as the tracer, is a form of the Police's seriousness in helping the government overcome this pandemic and supporting the national vaccination program.
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