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The Form of Indonesian National Police Care, West Java Regional Police Distributes Basic Food Packages to Communities Affected by Micro Restriction (PPKM)

By Cpiet Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Bandung. To help ease the burden on the community during the pandemic, the Head Deputy of the Community Development Drug Unit of Bandung City Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Mulyaningsih, along with his staff, accompanied by the Head of Community Development Unit of Panyileukan Sectoral Police, Police Inspector First Class Sofyan and members distributed basic food assistance to residents of the Cipadung Wetan sub-district, Panyileukan District, Saturday (16/10/2021). The Head Deputy of the Community Development Drug Unit of Bandung City Police said that the distribution of social assistance was carried out in the Indonesian National Police's concern for the poor and those affected by the Corona disease (Covid-19) pandemic. "We make sure that the assistance we provide is right on target to residents in need because we have data through Community Police Officers who directly went down to see the condition of the residents in the assisted villages," explained Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Mulyaningsih. The Intermediate Officer of the Bandung City Police said that when distributing social assistance, the Police also said that residents should be disciplined to apply the 5M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility as one of the efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. In a particular place, the Head of Public Relations Division of the West Java Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Erdi A. Chaniago, said that as many as 75 food packages had been distributed to affected residents. "Hopefully, this assistance can ease the burden on the affected community, and we pray that this pandemic will end quickly," closed the Head of Public Relations Division of the West Java Regional Police.
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