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The Indonesian Ombudsman Appreciates the Performance of Bali Regional Police

By Cpiet Kamis, 03 Juni 2021 Pengunjung (11) 4 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar. Bali Regional Police Chief Pol. General Inspector I Putu Jayaan Danu Putra, received a visit from members of Ombusman's Republic of Indonesia at Bali Regional Police, Denpasar, Bali, on Wednesday May 2 2021. Members of Indonesian Ombusman who visited the Bali Police include Jemsly Hutabarat, Johanes Widijantoro and Umar Ibnu Alkhatab as the Chairman of Indonesian Ombusman Representative for the Province of Bali. Meanwhile, the Bali Regional Police Chief was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police, Pol. Brigadier General. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Sc., along with the main officers of Bali Regional Police. Members of the Ombusman RI conveyed that the purpose of his visit to the Bali Regional Police was for a gathering event as well as establishing synergy between the Ombudsman and the Bali Regional Police. Members of Indonesian Ombusman also expressed their praise for the performance of Bali Regional Police. "The Ombudsman greatly appreciates the performance of the National Police Chief regarding the advancement of Police technology in Community Reports, and for public reporting within the scope of the Bali Legal Area according to the data held by the Ombudsman that there are no complicated problems. Synergic cooperation between the Ombudsman and the National Police is expected to continue and be improve in the future," he explained. In response to this, the Bali Regional Police Chief, conveyed that the cooperation and synergy between the Bali Ombudsman Representative and the Bali Regional Police had been well established which was described in various activities. "The activities carried out between the Bali Regional Police and the Ombudsman support each other," he explained. The Bali Regional Police Chief also explained about a program recently launched by the National Police called Police Service 110 to become the center for integrated community services. The Bali Regional Police Chief also invited Ombudsman group to jointly visit the Bali Police Presisi Dumas Command Post and the advancement of Bali Regional Police Command Center. The Bali Regional Police built a new building for the office of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate on Cambodia Street, Denpasar, Bali. The Bali Regional Police Chief, accompanied by the main Bali Regional Police officials, has carried out the groundbreaking for the laying of the first stone at the project site, Wednesday, June 2, 2021, yesterday. The construction of Bali Regional Police's Criminal Investigation Directorate Building is sourced from the Badung Regency Regional Budget in 2021, with a duration of 210 days of execution and a contract value of IDR38,791,501,000,-. The construction implementation began on April 27, 2021 ago and in accordance with the contract for the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate building, it was completed on November 22, 2021. In the event which was also attended directly by the Regent of Badung I Nyoman Giri Prasta, the Bali Regional Police Chief said that the old Bali Regional Police Criminal Investigation Unit building had limited operational space capacity, this condition was deemed necessary to develop a public service layout. "Development of special public spatial plans such as cyber analysis information systems, smart traces, digital analytic information centers, and others," explained the Regional Police Chief. The Police Chief continued, the construction of this building is expected to support all operational activities of the Criminal Investigation Department in handling special crimes within the Bali Regional Police jurisdiction. The Bali Regional Police Chief appreciates and thanks the Badung Regent who has given his support in developing the existing facilities and infrastructure at the Bali Regional Police. “I would like to thank the Regent of Badung, because so far he has been really supportive in the development of the Bali Regional Police, so that with this development, the Bali Police in carrying out their duties have been greatly assisted. Like the quote I read, with conducive security, other activities can run well, for that I thank the Regent of Badung for this support," he concluded. In addition, the Bali Regional Police Chief hopes that the construction of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate at Bali Regional Police building in its work will carry out the work with a full sense of responsibility and principles on time, on quality, on target as stated in the work contract or agreement letter, so that the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate building can be utilized. according to our expectations. At the end of the event, there was a symbolic handover of protective equipment for worker safety by the Bali Regional Police Chief and the Badung Regent.
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