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The National Police Will Establish Cyber Crime Directorate in Regional Police Throughout Indonesia

By Cpiet Jumat, 16 September 2022 Pengunjung (19) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The National Police continues to develop their institution to deal with the cyber crime, one of which is by establishing a Directorate of Cyber Crime in every regional police station throughout Indonesia. "The Indonesian National Police is developing their institution to counterbalance the cyber crimes by proposing a cyber crime directorate and cyber detectives at the Regional Police," explained the Deputy Investigator of the National Police's Directorate of Cyber Crime, Commissioner Alfis Suhaili on YouTube MUI TV, Thursday (15/9/22). According to the Commissioner Alfis Suhaili, this proposal was put forward because Cyber units in the regional police is still small and often find it difficult to deal with cyber crimes that spread in every region of Indonesia. He stated that the establishment of the new directorate will be adjusted by geographical conditions to resources. According to him, every region is has the same potential to be the victims of cyber crimes.
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