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The Vice Head of Central Kalimantan Regional Police Directly Inspects Election Logistics Security in KPU West Kotawaringin

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Central Kalimantan. The Vice Head of Central Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, Brigadier General Mohamad Agung Budijono inspects the election logistic warehouse in West Kotawaringin General Election Commission (KPU) adn Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to ensure its security. "We want to directly guarantee the security and smoothness of 2024 General Election stages, particularly in West Kotawaringin, as well as election logistics in KPU and Bawaslu warehouse," says Agung. Additionally, Agung adds that his visits was to also directly monitor the security situations in West Kotawaringin ahead elections. Meanwhile, the Weat Kotawaringin Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Yusfandi Usman told that the security and smoothness of 2024 General Election is guaranteed. Yusfandi says that his party have intensfied the patrol and visit to community. "I urge all my partners to carry out your duty with spirit and full responsibility to demonstrate our commitment in improving our service to the community," (ad/rd/hn/nm)
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