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The West Police Stressed The Public Not to Return on The Peak Period of Return Flow

By Cpiet Jumat, 06 Mei 2022 Pengunjung (10) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The government has appealed to the public to return earlier before May 6th, 7th, and 8th, which is predicted to be the peak of the return flow. Based on the existing data from yesterday to today, there have been people from Central Java, Bandung and others returning to Jakarta. West Java Police Chief (Kapolda Jabar) Inspector General Drs. Suntana, M.Sc., said that the number of vehicles that will return to Jakarta on the 6th, 7th, and 8th, of May 2022 is estimated to have decreased since the previous few days. In addition, the West Java Police Chief (Kapolda Jabar) ensured that from the results of monitoring from the air, the return flow on toll roads and arterial routes was relatively smooth. In fact, the flow of vehicles from Jakarta to Central Java is still busy. The West Java Regional Police Chief (Kapolda Jabar) said that in general, the situation was still under control, including on tourist routes such as Lembang and Puncak Bogor. He admitted that for the Puncak Bogor tourist route, the Bogor Police Chief applied special discretion to parse the flow of vehicles that came or leave the area.
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