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Tight Security for PON 2024 Closing Ceremony

By Admin 1 Rabu, 18 September 2024 Pengunjung (35) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Medan. Deputy Chief of the North Sumatra regional Police, Brigadier General Rony Samtana, announced on Tuesday (17/9/2024) that over 1,000 officers from the military, police, and other agencies will secure the  XXI National Sports Week (PON)  2024 closing ceremony at North Sumatra Sport Center Stadium on 20 September 2024. 

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is scheduled to attend the event.

The deployment includes 882 police officers and 241 military soldiers, fire services, and the North Sumatra Health Department. Security will focus on the stadium, VIP accommodations, and essential areas.

“We are committed to ensuring that the closing ceremony proceeds smoothly and securely. Our focus is on maintaining order and safety for all attendees,” said Chief Rony

The operation will secure the venue, guests, equipment, and event activities. Attendees are urged to cooperate with security measures.



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