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Trade Minister Issued 708 Import Permits for Garlic

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (39) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Trade Minister records the issuance of Import Permits (PI) for garlic is already 70.8 percent of the stipulated allocation. It means 456,622 tons of garlic import permits have been excluded from the total allocation for import needs of 645,025 tons.

“We can report that the issuance of PI has reached 70.8 percent,” says the Director of Basic Supplies and Important Goods, Bambang Wisnubroto on Tuesday (8/132024).

According to him, of the PI that have been issued, 281,582 tons of garlic have been imported, 5.76 higher than the previous week.

Bambang says that the average price for garlic has been stabilized. The data shows that the average price for Kating Grade A garlic is around 42,000 IDR per kilogram, 1.41 percent lower than the previous price.

Then, for the Honan Grade B garlic, the price has been 0.71 percent to 41,800 IDR per kilogram.

In his closing statement, Bamabg says that his party will continue to push the importers to accelerate their import realization.


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