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Wakaf Funds Could Bring Prosperity to the Country: VP Ma’ruf Amin Says

By Cpiet Rabu, 24 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (17) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Vice President of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin highlights that the management of Wakaf funds in Indonesia has the potential to improve public prosperity.

VP Ma’ruf Amin says that with the productive and correct use of the Wakaf fund, it would lead to social prosperity. He believes that the fund could suppress the poverty rate, create many job opportunities, and state development. He asked the Wakaf campaign to be voiced massively, both on a national and regional scale.

“The movement of Wakaf funds has been issued by the President. However, right now what we need to push is not only national Wakaf funds, but also the Provincial Wakaf Funds. This program has begun to be implemented in Riau and West Sumatra,” says VP Ma’ruf Amin on Monday (7/22/2024).

Considering the benefit of Wakaf funds, Ma’ruf Amin says what should be the focus of BWI is the professional management of Wakaf funds. The management should focus on ensuring that Wakaf funds could be the source of social prosperity, poverty alleviation, and greater benefit.

Furthermore, VP Ma’ruf Amin reminds that in managing the Wakaf funds, BWI also has to focus on the security sector. He urges BWI to safely manage the funds and ensure it’s security.

According to Ma’ruf Amin, BWI must be able to manage Wakaf funds to its full benefit. With the support of government support through supporting facilities and public involvement, national Wakaf funds could bring greater benefit for the people.


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