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West Papua Provincial Government Distributes Phase Two JPS Assistance

By Cpiet Senin, 02 November 2020 Pengunjung (35) 2 Mins Read
Manokwari - The West Papua Provincial Government has begun distributing food aid for the second phase of the social safety net program in 2020. West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan, Monday (2/11) handed over food aid for the program in South Manokwari Regency. The assistance was handed over through religious institutions. "The COVID-19 pandemic has had a considerable impact on the economy of the community, especially among the middle to lower classes. "Many private employees have been dismissed and the income of the community in the micro business sector has decreased," said the Governor during the handover of food aid for the social safety net program. He stated that West Papua still depends on other regions to meet a number of food needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted the flow of goods distribution. This, he said, could trigger an increase in the inflation rate and the stability of food supply and stock in West Papua. The social safety net program implemented by the local government is expected to reduce the economic burden on the community. He hopes that all districts and cities carry out the same program, considering that the provincial budget is limited to these activities. "We must work together, because it is impossible for the province to accommodate all the needs of the community. Our budget is limited and there are other programs that we have to finance, ”he said. Of the entire safety net budget prepared by the West Papua Provincial Government, the Governor continued, South Manokwari received an allocation of Rp1.3 billion. In this second phase, South Manokwari gets a quota of 2,553 basic food packages. "The amount is still the same as the first stage. After South Manokwari we will hand it over to other areas, everyone will get it, "said the Governor. He added that the assistance was prioritized for residents who were really affected by the economy due to COVID-19.
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