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West Sulawesi Police Chief Leads Election Security Briefing in Mamasa

By Cpiet Minggu, 11 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (10) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Mamasa. The West Sulawesi Police Chief, Inspector General Adang Ginanjar led a a briefing at the Mamasa Sub-regional Police Office on securing the voting day and vote tallying in the 2024 elections. TheĀ  briefing was attended high-ranking officials at the West Sulawesi Police and the Mamasa Police. In his remarks, Chief Adang emphasized that the Brata Marano OperationĀ  2023-2024 carry the responsibility and trust by the state and the entire Indonesians, particularly those in Mamasa, to ensure the security and order,of the 2024 elections. "This trust must be answered with sincerity and dedication, manifested through our seriousness in carrying out security tasks," he said on Saturday (10/02/2024). Chief Adaing reminded his subordinates assigned to guard polling stations that they are the forefront of the police force, carrying the burden and responsibility for the 2024 elections. He urged them to uphold neutrality by not favoring any party and avoiding involvement in practical politics. "Adhere to all existing rules. Do not photograph or document ballot papers. Our task is solely to provide security to ensure the smooth running of the elections," Chief Adang said. (mg/fa/pr/nm)
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