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While Cycling, the Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police monitored Integrated Post of Ketupat Operation and Distributed Parcels in Palangka Raya City

By Cpiet Sabtu, 15 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (17) 2 Mins Read
Tribratanews.polri.go.id – Palangkaraya. While cycling to stay healthy and fit, the momentum of Eid was used by the Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police to monitor the security and public order (Kamtibmas) around Palangka Raya City during Eid celebrations. The activity directly led by the Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo was followed by Deputy Chief Police Brigadier General Ida Oetari Poernamasasi and the High-rank Executives of Central Kalimantan Regional Police at the official residence, Imam Bonjol Street Palangka Raya, Friday (14 May 2021). While cycling, the Chief and his team monitored the Integrated Operation Post of 2021 Ketupat Telabang at Tjilik Riwut airport and Palangka Raya Bundaran Besar Traffic monitoring Post. On this occasion, the head of the public affairs division (Kabidhumas) Police Grand Commissioner Eko Saputro, Chief of Central Kalimantan Regional Police, mentioned that there was also distribution during the monitoring of Eid parcel. “We distributed Eid parcel to officers in charge at Integrated Post at Tjilik Riwut Airport and Bundaran Besar Post Palangka Raya City, as well as we advise the officers to serve the community well and keep alert,” as he said. Kabidhumas expects the parcel to bring blessing to the police officer and keep their spirit up in providing security for the community during this Eid holiday. After Eid, the situation under the Central Kalimantan Regional Police jurisdiction remains safe and conducive.
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