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World Policewoman to Attend IAWP Meeting in Labuan Bajo

By Cpiet Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (7) 4 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - NTT. Hundreds of policewomen will attend the International Association of Woman Police (IAWP) on November 6-11 in Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Barat regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). IAWP itself is a non-government organisation of the world policewoman association. Chief of International Relations Division of Indonesian National Police, Police Inspector General Johni Asadoma, on Thursday, October 14, 2021, stated that based on the bidding on IAWP meeting in Quito, Ecuador, on March 5-6, 2019, Indonesia won the bid to the host of the 58th IAWP conference in 2020. "However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world policewoman conference can only be conducted this year, on November 6-11, 2021", the former Deputy Chief of NTT Regional Police said. Furthermore, all preparations have been conducted to welcome this world-level conference. Meruorah Hotel of Labuan Bajo is being prepared for the training and conference purposes. The welcome dinner will be held in Puncak Waringin. Meanwhile, the gala dinner would be centred at Sudamala hotel. The parade of nations would be held at the main streets of Labuan Bajo. The attendees would also be involved in the Labuan Bajo tours such as Batu Cermin cave, Padar islands, Komodo island, and Pink Beach. Labuan Bajo of Manggarai Barat regency was chosen to be the international scale event due to various considerations. "Labuan Bajo is a super-priority tourism destination and has been on the green zone (Level 2 of Community Activity Restrictions Enforcement (PPKM))", Police Inspector General Johni Asadoma said. Furthermore, the 58th IAWP conference would be attended by hundreds of attendants from domestic and foreign and held in an online and offline manner. The offline participants are 50 people from several countries and the observation of around 25 people from 17 countries such as the United States, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Ghana, Canada, Philippines, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Turkey, New Zealand, Timor Leste, Singapore, and the Netherlands. 202 Indonesian policewomen would attend the offline meeting. The Regional Police and Working Units of the Indonesian National Police Headquarter sends three representatives each. There would be 84 online foreign participants and 500 online domestic participants. The meeting this time is carrying the theme of "Woman at the Centre Stage of Policing". For a week, this world-level policewoman conference would invite five keynote speakers such as Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, Indonesian Home Affairs Minister, Tito Karnavian, Indonesian Financial Minister, Sri Mulyani, UNUSG and Executive Director of UN Women and other domestic and foreign speakers. In total, 60 speakers have been confirmed consisted of 52 foreign speakers and eight domestic speakers. The format of the conference would be hybrid, online and offline. The meeting, besides being held for the capacity building, is also for networking medium for the policewoman across the world. "I wish the conference runs well, safe, smooth, and successful by enforcing Health Protocols under the observation of Task Force", the former Deputy Chief of North Sulawesi Regional Police said. In relation to the international event preparations, the Division of International Relations of Indonesian National Police, as the responsible board for this event, inspected the preparedness of the facilities and infrastructure and also Covid-19 handling in Labuan Bajo. The organiser has already met the Manggarai Barat regent, NTT Governor, and Chief of NTT Regional Police. The former Deputy Chief of North Sulawesi Regional Police ensures that all stakeholders such as the regional government, the general public, business people, and the security forces are fully supporting the activity. "We got extraordinary support", the Chief of International Relations Division of Indonesian National Police said. "Many speakers from foreign and domestic are competent so it could enhance our policewoman's capacity", Chief of International Relations Division of Indonesian National Police said. This international moment is expected to grow the local economy and tourism so it could give welfare for the people and the region.
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