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Four Ways to Check Legal or Illegal Online Loans (Pinjol)

By Cpiet Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id- The rise of illegal online loans (pinjol), has made the public be asked to be vigilant so as not to fall into the trap. If you want to make a loan, which must be considered legality, first make sure whether the loan is on the list of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) or not. Every fintech lending or loan provider in Indonesia must be registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Therefore, it is crucial to ensure legal online loan (Pinjol) providers avoid getting caught up in fake loans. Here are some ways to check whether borrowing is legal or illegal: 1. Check on the OJK Website Access the fintech legality update page at the URL www.ojk.go.id/id/kanal/iknb/financial-technology/Default.aspx 2. WhatsApp OJK Save the official OJK WhatsApp number 081-157-157-157 3. Call 157 4. OJK e-mail Checks can be done via electronic mail (waspadainvestasi@ojk.go.id) Source: indonesia.go.id
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