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1,143 Assigned Personnel Deployed to Secure Election Process in Aceh

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (102) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Around 1,143 personnel of Aceh Regional Police are assigned to 14 different sub-regional police throughout the province to secure the 2024 Regional Head Election in the province of Indonesian western-most.

Aceh Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Achmad Kartiko says that the ranks of Aceh Regional Police are ready to secure the election process that will be held on November 27th, 2024.

He says that the 2024 Regional Head Election security is part of the 2024 Mantap Praja Seulawah Operation. Until now, the operation is going smoothly and is able to maintain the situation in Aceh Province.

Achmad noted that Regional Head Election is an important moment for public democracy display. Thus, the involvement and deployment of the assigned personnel in the election process become the main priority to guarantee that people can cast the vote safely without disturbance.

“We continue to remind the assigned personnel to maintain their health condition as their prime objectivity and remain vigilant while maintaining coordination when met with challenges at the field,” says Achmad.

The Two Star General also urged all assigned personnel to carry out the security task with full dedication and spirit in maintaining public trust with the Indonesian National Police (INP).

“The assigned personnel for the sub-regional police ranks in Aceh is our demonstration in getting the best result for our democracy, particularly in Aceh Province,” says Achmad firmly.

Personnel are also urged to act professionally, both in communication with the public and carrying out their duties as the presence of police force should provide a sense of security during the voting day at the polling stations.


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