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129,923 Personnel Deployed for Christmas & New Year Security: INP Chief

By Cpiet Selasa, 12 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Chief of the Indonesian National Police (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has announced the deployment of a joint force of 129,923 personnel from the INP, the Indonesian Military and other relevant institutions to secure the Christmas and New Year celebrations in 2024. "The INP is gearing up for operations to secure and assist activities related to the Christmas and New Year celebrations by conducting Operation Lilin from 20 December 2023  to 2 January 2024. This operation will involve approximately 129,923 personnel, including the National Police, the TNI and all relevant stakeholders," Chief Sigit explained after attending the Cabinet Plenary Meeting at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday (11/12/2023) He explained that the INP had mapped and prepared measures on the ground, including coordinating meetings with relevant ministries, antaranews.com reported. "We have to consider several factors, especially the mass movement, as some 107.6 million people travel during Christmas and New Year holidays," Chief Sigit asserted. Anticipating two peaks in holiday travel over Christmas and New Year, the General outlined traffic management plans, such as contraflow and one-way systems, using traffic counting formulas previously tested during Idul Fitri holiday season. Security forces will also be tasked with securing events organized by the Christian community to celebrate Christmas on 25 December  2024 and other dates set for festive activities and worship. "We are preparing our police personnel, including sterilizing places of worship designated for Christmas worship activities," he said. In addition to securing Christmas and New Year celebrations, the INP remains vigilant to ensure the security of ongoing election campaign activities, the INP Chief added. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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