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Agriculture Minister Boost Meat Production Rate to Support MBG Program

By Pramudita Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (36) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman claims he and his party are ready to accelerate the production rate of beef and chicken for the success of the free nutritious meal program (MBG).

“We are committed to support the free nutritious meal program (MBG) by increasing the production rate of meat (beef, lamb meat, and chicken meat) to the processing level which we will also prepare through existing offtakers," said the Minister of Agriculture on Tuesday (8/27/2024).

Minister Andi says his ministry is ready to give its full support for the MBG program. He says that the support includes the effort in improving meat production rate and collaborating with large companies for the downstreaming process.

According to Andi, the involvement of entrepreneurs is also very important to accelerate the implementation of the programs desired by the president-elect. Even so, he hopes that there will be an additional budget for the Ministry of Agriculture of 68 trillion IDR.

In addition, to support the MBG program, the Ministry of Agriculture has coordinated with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) as a food provider.

One of the steps taken is to expand the planting area through a water pumping program. The Minister of Agriculture explained that support for various agricultural programs remains a priority.


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