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Animal Protein Intake in Indonesia is Still Low: Govt. Says

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (40) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries admits that Indonesia still fell behind ASEAN countries on intake of animal protein, especially fish. Indonesia is still behind Cambodia, the Philippines and Thailand.

“According to the 2023 BPS data, the intake of protein in the community is 62.3 grams, far behind Vietnam who's the animal protein consumption per day is 94.4 grams,” says the Director General of Maritime and Fishery Product Competitive Development, Budi Sulistyo on Sunday (8/11/2024).

In his official statement, he says that his party wants to help the government to realize the 2045 Golden Indonesia through the Gemar Makan Ikan Program, especially since fish intake could prevent stunting on children.

“Let us develop our next generation with fish protein intake. This would prevent stunting and strengthen our future generation,” said Budi.

Furthermore, the program has the correlation to improve the local economy growth other than just developing the next generation.

“For example, there are around 13.2 million families in West Jakarta and if in one month they consumed fish, with the average spending of 150,000 IDR per family, it would make the turnover in West Java around 23.7 trillion,” concluded Budi.


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