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Aru Islands Police Rescue 30 Women Held in Captivity

By Cpiet Jumat, 06 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Ambon. The Aru Islands Sub-Regional Police have rescued 30 women being unlawfully held by the proprietor of New Paradise karaoke after their escape from the establishment located in Aru Islands Regency In Maluku early on Wednesday (4/10) morning. "The women were able to break free from their captor, the owner of the karaoke place," said Police Superintendent Dwi Bachtiar Rivai, the Chief of the Aru Islands Sub-Regional Police, as quoted by antaranews.com The workers, who were being held under appalling conditions, devised a plan that allowed them to flee to safety. One of the workers, identified only as E, used pliers to unlock a padlocked balcony door. E's colleague, known as F, converted five bedsheets into ropes, securing them to the balcony railing. These makeshift ropes were then used by the workers to descend approximately 3-4 meters to the ground, located just outside the building fence. As they descended, the workers were led by an individual named P, with all 27 people on the second floor of the building successfully evacuated. During their escape, Sisters P and E sought assistance from passing vehicles on the road to transport them to the Aru Islands Sub-Regional Police Headquarters. Multiple trips were made to ensure the safe transportation of all the workers. Following the workers' statements , the police rescued  three other workers held captive in a villa next to the mess area. The workers's escape was triggered by  the immense debt they had accrued under the ownership of the karaoke establishment as well as severerly poor working and living conditions.  They claimed to be subjected to being locked in after their shifts and other severe restrictions, including physical assaults. The police chief confirmed the completion of a crime scene investigation. Three suspects have been in custody, while the proprietors, identified by their initials AL and RWK, remain at large. The female worker were now staying in a house under the protection of the police.  They were due to be returned to their hometowns. Inspector General Lotharia Latif directed the arrest of those responsible and the temporary closure of the establishment, with police lines established in the area to address this shocking case of human trafficking and exploitation. Karaoke Paradise has been under a human trafficking investigation since August 2023. (ar/inp/pr/nm)
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