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As many as 14 Sectoral Police in the jurisdiction of ​​South Sulawesi Regional Police Decided Not to Conduct Investigations

By Cpiet Senin, 24 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (14) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Makassar. Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, again determined that as many as 14 Sectoral Police (Polsek) in the South Sulawesi Regional Police were decided not to carry out investigations and only to maintain security and public order. The policy is based on the Decree of the Chief of INP Number: Kep / 613 / III / 2021 concerning the Appointment of Sector Police Only to Maintain Public Security and Order in Certain Areas (Not Conducting Investigations), 23 March 2021 This was also emphasized by the Chief of South Sulawesi Police, Police Inspector General Merdisyam The following is a list of registered polsek, including: 1. Polsek Balocci 2. Polsek Tondong Tallasa (Pangkep Police) 3. Polsek Gilireng (Wajo Police) 4. Police Bastem 5. Polsek Bupon (Luwi Police) 6. Polsek Benteng (Selayar Island Police) 7. Masamba Police 8. Limbong Police Station (Lutra Police) 9. North Sinjai Police 10. Polsek Kepulauan IX (Sinjai Police) 11. Sopai Police 12. Polsek Tondon Nanggala 13. Polsek Sa'dan Balusu 14. Polsek Rindingallo (North Toraja Police) The South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief also explained that the Police did not conduct investigations based on the Chief of Indonesian National Police's letter that had also been issued. "Polsek that do not carry out investigations in terms of authority and implementation of their duties are guided by the Chief of Indonesian National Police Letter Number: B / 1092 / II / REN.1.3. / 2021 dated February 17, 2021 regarding the Chief of Police's directive regarding certain Polsek authorities," explained the Chief of South Sulawesi Regional Police. For the information, this decision is also based on several criteria at the Polsek, including that the Police only receive a maximum of 10 LP per year, and the travel time to the Ressort police is less than 1 hour using motorbike or
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