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The Indonesian National Police Issues a Telegram Regarding the Information of Special Vehicle Number Plates for Parliament Members

By Cpiet Senin, 24 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (13) 2 Mins Read
Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesian National Police's Traffic Corps informed all levels at the regional level about the existence of special license plates for People's Representative Council (Parliament) of the Republic of Indonesia members' vehicles. The special number plates for People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia members' vehicles are contained in a telegram number STR / 164 / III / YAN / 1.2. / 2021 dated 15 March 2021, signed by the National Police's Chief of Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas), Pol. Inspector General Istiono. Chief of Vehicle Registration Certificate's Sub Directorate, Director of Registration and Identification of National Police's Traffic Corps, Pol. Grand Commissioner. M Taslim Chairuddin confirmed that there was a telegram on the informing section of the number plates. "The telegram letter is to disseminate information to the ranks, Regional Police Chief and others if there is a regulation in the House of Representatives regarding plate numbers," explained Pol. Grand Commissioner M Taslim Chairuddin, Sunday (05/23/21). The telegram refers to the issuance of House of Representatives Secretary General Regulation Number 4 of 2021, concerning the Issuance and Use of Special Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle Registration Number for House of Representative's Leaders and Members to provide special identities and secure the vehicles of leadership and members of House of Representatives in order to get the smooth implementation of constitutional vigor. The telegram informing of House of Representatives' member number plates were addressed to the ranks of Regional Police Chief throughout Indonesia, Main Officials of High Rank Executives (PJU) of the National Police Headquarters such as Irwasum Polri, National Police Assistant for General Planning and Budgeting, National Police's Chief of Profession and Security of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia's division, and National Police's Head of PR. The plat number has the characteristics of the House of Representative's logo. Rectangular in shape, the base color is black in the column of numbers. Then, the base color is silver on the logo column and on the outline. And the numbering will be given a silver color. In this case, the number plate license will be given to motorized vehicles that have been registered by the National Police through the Vehicle Ownership Book (BPKB), Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), and Vehicle Registration Number (TNKB). (ym/bq/hy)
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