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ASEAN Pledges Stronger Cooperation with IORA and PIF

By Cpiet Selasa, 05 September 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Tribratanews.polri.go.id - With the Chair of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), Bangladesh, and Cooks Island as the Chair of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF), ASEAN pledges a stronger cooperation with the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during side event of ASEAN Minister Meeting. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L Marsudi in her speech stressed the importance of cooperation between ASEAN, IORA, and PIF. “Countries in Indian and Pacific Ocean cannot be separated from those of Indo-Pacific. We share the same region. Whatever happens here in this region will affect us all,” says Retno. She adds that ASEAN and states in Indian and Pacific Ocean must cooperate to maintain peace, stability, and prosperity of the region. She stressed that the region should not become an arena of conflict or battlefield between the superpowers. “This could only be achieved if we value the same norms and principles, which collaboration paradigm not competition, win-win mentality not zero-sum, and engagement approach not isolation,” stressed Retno. Moreover, the three organizations also share the same challenges and opportunity, which only underscore the need of their cooperation. “Just remember, if you want to walk fast, walk alone, but if you want to go far, walk together. I believe we all want to go far,” conclude Retno. The MoU contains the agreement between the three to strengthen their concrete cooperation in several priority area such as maritime, connectivity, SDGs. Blue economy, green economy, digital economy, and disaster management.
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