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Bawaslu Launch Three New Channels to Report Election Hoax News

By Cpiet Selasa, 28 November 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) launched three channels for people in reporting election hoaxes on Thursday (11/28/2023). “The first channel is through hotline for internet hoaxes, be it from websites or social media, which you can report it through a phone number of 08119810123,” says PR, Community Participations, and Prevention Division Head of Bawaslu Lolly Suhenty on Thursday (11/28/2023). The second channel is through email with the address of medsos@bawaslu.go.id. And lastly is by directly report the case through Community Complaints Post in all Bawaslu offices. “This is our initiatives in monitoring election hoaxes content while also solidifying two existing channels that have existed before,” says Lolly. The two long existing report channels are through all Bawaslu ranks social media in all levels and the other channel is through jarimuawasipemilu.bawaslu.go.id/pengaduan. After receiving the report, Bawaslu would handle the report content by analyzing the content to confirm the report. If the content reported confirmed to violate the law, Bawaslu will coordinate with its cyber security unit for further development. Bawaslu would then communicate with Communication and Information Ministry for content take down. “In general, hoax prevention strategy consists of cyber security patrol (in coordination with Communication and Information Ministry), news monitoring through Intelligent Media Monitoring or other medias, and lastly is through cooperation with civil coalition,” conclude Lolly. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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