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BNN Chief to Strengthen Intelligent Network to Intercept Drug Circulation

By Pramudita Jumat, 27 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (123) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of the Republic of Indonesia, Commissioner General of Police Martinus Hukom, emphasized his commitment to strengthening intelligence elements to the remote corners of the country in order to suppress the circulation of narcotics by 2025.

According to him, the placement of intelligence personnel throughout the region, especially in areas prone to narcotics trafficking, is a strategic step to eradicate these illegal activities.

"We hope that this intelligence deployment will strengthen early detection to further advance us," said the Head of BNN, as quoted by Antara.

The Head of BNN revealed that the structure of narcotics crime has similarities with terrorism. Both are organized crimes that cross borders and are structured. However, he noted a significant difference lies in the network pattern.

"Terrorism networks consist of several connected factions, while narcotics networks have many networks that are independent of each other," explained the Head of BNN.

To that end, Martinus stated that he would implement a continuous pursuit system to suppress drug trafficking. 

"How do we suppress them? We must build a counter network. When they build, we must counter. This means that there must be intelligence deployment in all regions," emphasized Martinus.

He also highlighted the vulnerability of synthetic narcotics entering from various countries, such as Myanmar, Afghanistan, and Latin America, through Indonesia's strategic waterways, including the Karimata Strait and the Riau Islands.

Martinus emphasized that drug eradication work must be carried out non-stop for 24 hours, in order to maintain the security and resilience of the nation from the threat of drug trafficking.


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