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BNPT-PBNU to Further Campaign Pancasila Ideology to Suppress the Spread of Radicalism

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (86) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) agreed to continue campaigning the value of Pancasila as the main foundation in preventing various radical ideologies that lead to terrorism.

Chief of BNPT Eddy Hartono says the deal was to strengthen the collaboration in preventing the spread of radicalism as in accordance with Law No. 5 of 2018.

"We will continue to carry out prevention from upstream. Pancasila is the basis for reducing various radical terrorist ideologies," said the Head of BNPT on Thursday (12/19/2024).

He said that the prevention efforts carried out were also in line with the vision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia as reflected in Astacita, especially the first and eighth points.

In those points, the government pledged to guarantee public safety in worship, prioritizing the natural environment, and preserving culture for the next five years.

To that end, strengthening the Pancasila ideology is the way to suppress the threat of radical terrorism, by promoting harmony between religious communities in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, PBNU General Chairman Kiai Haji Yahya Cholil Staquf assessed that collaboration is very important to overcome the problem of radicalization and terrorism in the field.

With increasingly strong collaboration between two parties, he hopes that prevention efforts can be more effective, by upholding Pancasila as the foundation of the state.

"The cooperation between BNPT and PBNU has become a good tradition to solve various problems in the field," said the PBNU General Chairman.


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