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Building Better Ecosystem and Management, UINSU Signs MoU with North Sumatra Regional Police

By Cpiet Minggu, 10 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Medan. Chancellor of Sumatra State Islamic University (UINSU) of Medan, Nurhayata, along with North Sumatra Regional Police, Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi signs a Memorandum of Understanding to build a better ecosystem and management. “A collaboration between university and police institutions is part of an effort in implementing police laws to provide safety, security, and order amidst the society,” says Nurhayati on Saturday (12/9/2023). She conveys his gratitude for the extraordinary work done by North Sumatra Regional Police, along with their collaboration. For UINSU, the collaboration is for solidifying the university Tri Dharma value of education, research, and devotion. UINSU also took part in supporting capacity building in human resources, police institutions included. She reveals that there are many North Sumatran police who took doctoral or master's degrees for their next education. On the other hand, Inspector General Agung conveys his hope that the collaboration could be the umbrella of law in providing safety, security, order, and law enforcement in the area. Agung is aware that the general public has been bombarded with various issues that puts their trust in state institutions on edge. In response to this, Agung aims to fix the situation as he states that most of the times, the negative image plastered on the institutions are commonly based on perceptions, not data. “That is why we want to reinforce state roles by supporting all of its elements, one of which are UINSU and several partner companies. We will solidify state roles as we are sure that we are on the right path,” states the police chief. The Two-star General also hopes that the MoU could be the reference for the university to the state and its impact could be felt after involving the police force as it aims to benefit the two parties. “So that the research from the university on police duties could be analyzed further as we consider them as suggestions. This also shows how we manage Medan and North Sumatra with all of its diversities. That the country is present to realize its goals and able to clarify the negative perception of the public,” conclude Agung. (ad/my/pr/nm)
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